Don't be stupid and demand a Brainy Breakfast
Brainy Breakfasts
By the time you tumble out of bed in the morning and make your way to the kitchen, it could be anywhere from 6 to 14 hours since your last meal. Although it may not be immediately obvious, every single cell in your body, and brain, is depleted of energy and dehydrated.
Low energy = low performance
A nutrient-dense balanced breakfast is the best, and arguably the only way, to:
enjoy great energy all day long,
avoid that 3pm slump which leaves you reaching for coffee and sugary afternoon snacks
improve stress resilience and reduce emotional eating
control cravings
ensure balanced mood
maximise your mental clarity, creativity, problem solving, ability to connect and communicate with others... in other words, breakfast goes a long way to determining your quality of life!
If you want to improve your energy, mental agility and physical performance, then get in the habit of starting the day with a combination of protein, healthy fats, fibre and slow carbohydrates.